On October 18th Ocean Infinity launched six HUGIN AUVs, each with an independent mission that has surpassed a water depth of 5200 meters. This is the deepest dive undertaken by multiple AUVs commercially known. It is also a first for six HUGIN AUVs to simultaneously descend further than 5000 meters.
Upon the completion of Sea Trials in late July, Ocean Infinity has performed surveys at five different locations using the multiple AUV fleet all launched, monitored, and recovered from a 115-meter multiple purposes offshore vessel.
Figure 1 shows the mission of each AUV as observed by the operators onboard the vessel and created within the custom mission planning software InfinityView, developed by 4D Nav. The coordination of the launch and recovery for each AUV is a vital part of every mission. The recovery of the AUVs for this mission began on the evening of October 19th.
The HUGIN AUV is rated for a water depth of 6000 meters. Ocean Infinity plans to descend to the 6000-meter water depth with all eight AUVs by mid-2018.